Helping you to achieve a fair outcome

There are a range of Court Orders relating to Child custody Law, including Child Arrangements Orders, Specific Issue Orders, Prohibited Steps Orders, Parental Responsibility Orders, Special Guardianship Orders, and Orders for Disclosure of Whereabouts. As McKenzie Friends with a specialism in Family Law, we will assist and support you towards obtaining a fair and just result from the Court system.

Child Arrangements Orders

Formerly known as Residence and Contact Orders, these delineate the living arrangements for children and establish the parameters for non-resident parents or other significant figures, such as grandparents, to spend time with the children.


Specific Issue Orders:

These address particular concerns that may arise in a child's life, such as a parent's desire to relocate internationally or within the country, or to change the child's name or school.

Enforcement Orders:

In the event where a resident parent is not adhering to all or part of the court order, here at JCJ LAW we can assist you with having this enforced.

Prohibited Steps Orders:

These Orders are required when a parent seeks to prevent the other parent from taking the child out of the country or altering their schooling situation.

Parental Responsibility Orders:

In cases where a father does not have parental responsibility, he can apply for Parental Responsibility Orders, which grant him parental responsibility.

Special Guardianship Orders:

These Orders designate a non-parent as the child's Special Guardian, affording them enhanced parental responsibility and the authority to make decisions regarding the child's welfare, even if the parents disagree.

Orders for disclosure of whereabouts:

Orders for disclosure of whereabouts require individuals to reveal the location of a child as directed by the Court.


Other Court Orders We Specialise In




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