Divorce concept, wooden gavel and teddy bear as symbol of child on a desk


Welcome to JCJ Law 

We are McKenzie Friends offering Family Law assistance and support for all types of clients across England and Wales. We are here to offer support in a range of divorce and Family Law disputes, and will be there by your side during the Court Process to give both guidance and practical assistance where possible.

JCJ LAW, just contact John today to arrange a chat about your legal situation. Fill in the form below.



How we can help

We provide affordable, reasonably-priced advice and support for those involved in family disputes about children, and other family matters. With qualifications and in-depth experience in Family Law, we offer a high level of expertise and Family Law assistance at a much lower cost than a solicitor.

For anyone struggling with the legal system, needing help on Family Law and the Courts, get in touch with JCJ LAW today through the form, or email us directly at admin@jcjlaw.co.uk.


Happy mother talking to her baby while working at home


We provide a free 30 minute initial telephone consultation - enquire via our form to book in.

Consultations and meetings can take place in person, via Zoom, WhatsApp, or over the phone, depending on your needs.




Disputes about children

For example, if you seek access to, or want to spend time with your children or there is a dispute about changing names or schools. These disputes can be emotionally charged, and it is vital to have someone in your corner during Court proceedings so you can be informed on law and procedure as it occurs, and make the right decisions in these instances.



In Family Law, an injunction is intended to prevent someone from causing further harm. It may involve restricting occupation rights of a family home. If you have suffered domestic abuse or have been accused of perpetrating such abuse, we can help you with this aspect of Family Law assistance.


Care Proceedings

If you are in dispute with a Local Authority with regards to your children, JCJ LAW can assist with meetings that may arise for example, child in need or child protection conferences.



Divorce, Financial Remedies and Appeals

Here at JCJ Law we can assist you with obtaining a divorce, and financial remedies applications, as well as the process for appealing any decisions. Divorces and the breakup of Civil Partnerships can be complex affairs, and we will assist you in navigating the process professionally and helpfully.


Advice and support

We offer a range of other guidance services surrounding Family Law including courses for dealing with domestic abuse. We know it takes courage and determination to tackle this problem and can provide both practical and administrative advice on handling legal matters relating to it.



Struggling to co-parent? If your contact arrangements are being disrupted, or you want to take greater interest in the lives of your children, our Family Law assistance can help. Sometimes all it needs is a neutral person to iron out any difficulties. Get in contact with us today.




What is a McKenzie Friend?

A McKenzie Friend is the term used to describe a person who is not acting as a barrister or solicitor but who provides assistance to unrepresented parties with guidance and support in court proceedings. A McKenzie Friend cannot represent you in Court, but can advise you on points of law and procedure our speciality is in Family Law assistance, and helping people going through emotionally difficult court processes. Oftentimes, it is difficult to access affordable legal assistance in this area, and our McKenzie Friend service enables you to make informed decisions throughout your legal experience.





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Need a friend in your corner?

Get in touch with us here for a Family Law specialist McKenzie Friend. Fill out the form as thoroughly as you can and we will be back in touch.